
inconsiderate people don't rule my life

You know when you reach that point in a season of your life, when you realize that letting other peoples actions effect your outlook on life is a bad choice? Yeah, I'm at that point right now. I use my blog as a kind of internet journal. What most of your don't realize is I write a lot of posts I don't publish. I leave them as drafts. Yesterday I wrote a post about how things were going. As I just read back over it, it was the most depressing and "day-ruining" thing I'd ever read. It's true, my days have not been very good. There just always seems to be thing after thing, person after person, situation after situation, that causes me such deep pain and hurt. It's unfortunate that I feel these things so deeply because it inhibits me from being able to continue on in my day. And I don't just mean continuing on in a positive way, I mean being able to get through my day with a neutral attitude. I can't even seem to do that.

But I've made the decision before, and I'll make it again, that I will-not let other people determine my mood, day, emotional stability, or even my life. I drive this spaceship. And I am going to keep my spirits high, and glorifying God, through every layer of the atmosphere I enter.

But I'm not going to lie, inconsiderate actions where people only think about themselves... yeah, that hurts.

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