about maddie

I'm not a particularly complicated person. I don't have overwhelming opinions, and I don't really want to parade my beliefs. 
I'm a pretty simple person really. Like many people my age, I have a job, and I'm working my way through school. 
I have dreams and things I'd like to eventually accomplish, 
but I don't really know how to achieve any of it. The world I live in is pretty day to day at this point in my life. 
I don't know what to expect, so I just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

The thing I love most in my life right now is the uncertainty. It's the bullet proof fact that everything I know and everything I experience can change momentarily. My 

choices command my life. 
Everything I say and do effects only myself. I have no safety net;
no back up plan.

To a lot of people, I could be no one. A soundless voice on a computer screen. But to me, I'm all I have. 

As clique as that sounds, it really is true. I'm going to move, buy new things, change my clothes, go to new schools, maybe switch jobs a few times. This stage in life that I'm experiencing is one that is constantly changing. 

At the end of the day, all I have is the skin that I'm in. So my thoughts, and my words are everything to me. Because when push comes to shove, 
I am all that I have.

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