
perfect isn't so perfect anymore

You know what I hate? People who are perfect. I HATE people who have this persona of being perfect. It's so freakin annoying. A few things,

1. We are NOT perfect people. We screw up our lives and everyone knows it.

2. You can stand their and pretend like everything is fine and dandy, and roses are red, but all your doing is making other people feel like shit for not being as perfect as you.

3. Stop verbally making other people feel bad for not being perfect! We know you think that you can handle any/everything. But if you really want to make a difference, shut your freakin mouth and stop bragging about your perfect life and that you've never had to deal with something hard.

You know what I love? People who are real. Not necessarily bad ass or screw ups, but people who know where they struggle, embrace their imperfections, and move on in life, learning from their past. I know a couple people like this, and there has never been anything more inspiring to me than someone who knows their not perfect and intends to use their imperfections to better themselves as a whole.

I don't usually like writing about a specific person, so I usually change their name (to protect the innocent), so let's talk about my friend Barbie. She-is-real. Yeah, sometimes she cusses, and she doesn't get uncomfortable when there's a discussion about sex, or bulimia, or drugs, but that's what I love about Barbie. She's REAL! Because these things are REAL, and they EXIST and she chooses to recognize them, rather than ignore them like many people do.

The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.

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