
my family

I talk endlessly of the wonderful people from Sambica and how amazingly the have impacted my life. What I forget to talk about are the people who are even closer to my heart and who have been with me through every hard step and new challenge. We call ourselves cbcc4eva. We're scattered all over North America, but once a year, we all gather in Cannon Beach Oregon for a week at a conference center. We don't have many traditions, rather we create new memories and cherish old ones.

One thing that makes us such a closely-nit group are the individual relationships we hold with each other outside of our time together. Over the years we've had different people join and leave us. Some have stayed to grow our family, but it all started with 6. Connor Nelson, Billiam Heath, Austin Hammond, Cameron Wilson, Bethany Little and I. Fortunately more have joined us and our family has grown. Forrest Fleege joined us two years ago, and he's one of the most dedicated members of our family. Though people leave us, we still consider them apart of our family. There are the Canadiadians for example. Landon Doell, Vienna Doell, and David Oostra are the greatest people you will ever come across in your life. Debates were common during the summer that they joined us, but we will spend every subsequent year missing them.

When people speak of a family of friends, I think of these guys. There's no judgment and we're not embarrassed about our mistakes. In fact, we spend like half our time trying to find ways to break rules, be a nuisance, or pull pranks. But the nonsense is what grows our friendship as a family, and when we need each other, there's nothing that can stand in the way of us being there. I would call them my Cannon Beach family, but they're not. They're simply my family and nothing will ever change that.


  1. Maddie I agree 100% :) we are a family whether other people see it or not. I miss everyone and always look forward to seeing them again. Nothing will ever stop us of we stick together :)

  2. So true. :) we are the closest family you can find. That's why it broke my heart being apart from you all this summer. No matter what it takes, I'm there next year.


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