
it all comes down to this

I'm reading the Bible in 90 days. If you haven't acquired this by now, I'm madly in love with Jesus. I'm in the middle of Joshua right now. I just got past all those early laws and rules and the stuff that to most people is boring. I actually found it quite interesting. God's chosen people, the Isrealites, had so much they had to do in order to be holy in the sight of God, and if they messed up, there were all these different sacrifices that they had to do in order to purify themselves. Once a year, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement for the people's sin. He was to be completely pure. The people would tie a rope around the waist of the high priest because if the priest had been lying about something he had not been purified from, God would strike him dead right then and there, and because no one else was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, they would have to pull the High Priest out. So basically, you were never to enter the presence of God unless you were pure, and only one man a year was able to do that.

Then, Jesus came. And he became the perfect sacrifice for every man and woman. And now we can all enter into the Holy of Holies and be in the presence of the all powerful God of the universe who loves us like a Father.

That's what it all means. That's what it all comes down to. What he did for us. And now, we can all enter the presence of God.

Living because He gave me Life,

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