
a week in review : mommy arrives

Time for everything to work! My mom is coming today {along with my kitty!}, and I guess everything can finally get back to normal.

Or not!

Uh, I live in WASHINGTON! Everything I've ever known is 100% DIFFERENT! And you know what... I don't care! It's beautiful here! I walk to get the mail, and it's like going on a journey through the most breathtaking scenery in the world. And that's just my front yard. My last few days have been quite interesting. A week ago, I spent the day with Anne Briggs, our cousin Adam's girlfriend. We buried a bunny, appreciated fine wood-work, played T-swift on the piano, and whipped up gourmet deliciousness.

Saturday, I was taken every-which-way in Snoqualmie Falls by my love, Delaney Aydel. After first feasting on cookie dough with chocolate frosting, we went to a Chinese restaurant, out to the Big Log, took part in the tradition of writing down our phone numbers on the tourist board, and lastly we spent a half hour starring at the namesake of the town, Snoqualmie Falls. It was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen. There was a huge spotlight on the falls (because it was night time) and Delaney was so filled with joy by God's creation that she starred singing jubilant worship songs and dancing around!

Sunday, we went to church and I got to see Delaney get baptized. Afterwords, we spent an hour at Starbucks talking about the differences and similarities between Karate and Taekwondo, while simultaneously taking pictures of Delaney's Starbucks stalker. The whole rest of the day we spent at Sambica for Refuge {the highschool year-round program} to watch the Super Bowl. I got to see a lot of the people form the summer, and it was a fantastic reunion.

Monday and Tuesday weren't so exciting. I just did school. The scourge of the world...

Wednesday though, I got to make lunch for my sister, and then figure out how to make chocolate frosting with Heidi, and that evening, I got to spend a few hours making Valentine's Day cards with Ellie.

Today, I went to the glean with Heidi and got to sort produce for people. This afternoon we set up my mom's room, and then Sydni and I went upstairs to get our room ready and clean. {but we really just watched tv}

So now, I'm sitting in my room, waiting for my mom to get here at 5 with my kitty and grandma, and then everyone will be here. We're not in a million places. We're just together. Like a family. As it should be.

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