
goodbye to a painful past, hello to a beautiful future

Today, January 1st, 2012, was one of the hardest days of my life. Because I took a step, a big one, from my life before, to my life ahead. I had to say goodbye to a lot. Goodbye to my life in California, had to actually say goodbye to a friend on New Years Eve who I'm not going to see again before I move, goodbye to normality, goodbye to everything I've ever known, and even goodbye to a once close friend. I do what I do because God has called me to do it. Saying goodbye to my once close friend, it wasn't really goodbye. I'm going to see her many times before I move. But I was saying goodbye to our friendship. Goodbye to someone who had been a big part of my life for years. Goodbye to a person, who at different times, was the only person I had to lean on.

But I'm not in those places anymore. I'm strong. I have my head lifted high and I'm breathing deeply and clearly. For once, I'm free. I'm not smothered by this wretched desert anymore. In a few short weeks, it'll all be behind me and the only place I'll have to go is forward. And let me tell you, the direction God is taking my life is just blowing my mind. Every ugly lie, dirty secret, evil sin, terrible relationship, bad decision, painful regret... I'll finally be able to move on. I'll finally be able to come out on top and conquer it. No longer am I swimming in a pool of my past that has filled this desert. No! Because my past is just that! It's my past. And it will stay where it belongs. What was once unbearable is now a memory that will cease to be recalled in a regular basis.

This is my start. This is my new beginning. This, is my future.

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