
rant about school supplies

First day of school, and I'm ready to die. There's so much to do! Get your textbooks, figure out your classes, organize your schedule, organize a binder so all your stuff isn't all over the place, get notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, higlighters, glitter (lOtS oF gLiTtEr), pencil sharpener, pencil case, protractor, ruler, compass, calculator, calculator case (for all you weirdos who can't survive without your calculator being in tip-top shape) tape, white-out (for those embarrassingly stupid answers), note cards, flash drive, sticky notes, day planner and anything else you can think of. There's a lot to go into having a a good education, and there is so little appreciation for all those big name companies who provide us with the material. Like Crayola, Mead (if you've never heard of it, they make note-books), Sharpie, BiC, Dixon, and many more.
But I just have one thing to say to them. You work too hard.
I mean seriously!? How many different type of pencils and pens have you run into? There's dozens! And then there is every color of pen imaginable. (not gonna lie, I actually do like that part) There's white board, cork boards, black boards. Pencil cases, Pencil holders, pencil sharpeners. AND ERASERS! I've never seen anything that's more oversold. There's every type of eraser IMAGINABLE! Newsflash: Nobody uses pencils anymore except for a math course and for pencil sketching in the art field.

On a side note, I'll be selling some of my clothes here in a day or so. I need money. So I'll just go naked for the next few months.

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